Learn More About ZBC

Zebulon Baptist Church is a congregation committed to worship, ministry and fellowship. Located in the heart of Zebulon we welcome everyone to experience Zebulon Baptist. We believe you will find a community of persons who are open and welcoming, who love God and follow Jesus.  We are committed to sharing our faith in Christ with those who are seeking, to helping Christians grow in their faith journey, to caring for one another, and to making a difference in our community and beyond through ministry and service.

There is a place for you here – join us as we celebrate God’s love in Christ!

What We Believe

Zebulon Baptist Church supports traditional Baptist distinctives:

  • Local church autonomy: Each Baptist church is free to govern itself according to its values.

  • The priesthood of every believer: Every believer needs no one to intercede on their behalf to God.

  • Religious freedom: Government has no right to influence an individual’s faith.

  • Soul freedom: Every believer is free to follow their conscience as led by God’s Holy Spirit in matters of faith.

We also cling to the following Core Values:

We Value Christian Worship

  • We value the tradition of Christ-centered worship based on the life of Jesus, the Christian calendar, Christian symbols, the message of the scriptures, and congregational participation in worship.

  • We value the traditional ordinances of Believer’s Baptism and Communion. We invite all to share in celebrating the Lord’s Supper, regardless of their relationship with ZBC.

  • We value the study and preaching of the Bible for Christian faith and life, freely interpreted by Christians who are led by the Holy Spirit within the community of faith.

We Value Christian Ministry

  • We value our call to proclaim the gospel to every person. While we respect the beliefs of others, we desire to share the good news of God’s salvation in Jesus Christ with everyone through our words and deeds.

  • We value our call to encourage spiritual growth and fulfillment in every member.

  • We value our responsibility to be faithful stewards of all God has entrusted to us.

  • We value our responsibility to minister to the Zebulon community and to live as “salt and light” as Christ’s representatives.

  • We value the tradition of participation in cooperative mission endeavors with other Christians and Baptists who share our commitment to Christ without compromising our core values.

  • We value Christ’s model for ministry and leadership that is the role of a servant and expect servant-oriented leadership to be the goal of all who serve our church in leadership.

We Value Christian Fellowship

  • We value the unity of the church based solely on our shared faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • We value traditional Baptist congregational life marked by commitment to freedom in Christ, the priesthood of every believer, congregational government by democracy, local church autonomy, and the separation of church and state.

  • We value mutual care for one another and strive to love one another out of reverence for Christ and to maintain harmony through acceptance and forgiveness.

  • We value all people. We accept into our membership all persons based on their profession or statement of faith in Christ. We believe the grace of God redeems everyone so that all persons can serve God freely in the church. We further believe God’s call is open to all persons and place no restrictions on women serving in the church.

  • We value leaders that embrace our core values. We expect their leadership to be consistent with the core values

Our Partners

Zebulon Baptist Church believes in being an example of Christ’s love in our community, in our nation and in our world. To aid in this effort, ZBC partners with local schools as well as many local, state, national and international organizations. Below are a few of the partnerships that we have formed to aid the Kingdom of God.

We partner with the local Zebulon public schools to help with a variety of activities throughout the school year.