Thank You For Supporting Zebulon Baptist Church
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow…”
These words from the Doxology are often sung in response to God’s blessings and with the hope that God will bless others through our gifts and offerings. May God bless you as you prayerfully support Zebulon Baptist Church through your generous giving.
There are two offerings to consider at Zebulon Baptist:
The Unified Ministry Budget is the day-to-day budget. These offerings allow ZBC to:
Do missions within our community, region and world
Support our leadership team
Provide meaningful programs and ministries for all ages
Maintain our facilities
The Capital Campaign is an offering that supports the transformation of our campus to meet future needs, and enables us to venture out to discover new partnerships in missions.
Other Ways to Give
In Person
You can share your offering during Sunday morning or other special worship times. If you’d like to have a record of your giving, you can request offering envelopes from our office administrator, June Sanders. These are available to anyone who would like a box (members, non-members, regular visitors, or children). You can also drop off your offering in the church office anytime during church business hours.
Electronic Funds Transfer
This method withdraws your designated donation from your bank account at the interval you select. Click here to download an Electronic Funds Transfer form. You can bring your completed form to our church office during business hours.
Other Methods
Below are a few of the other, “less conventional” ways that you could choose to support Zebulon Baptist Church.
Securities (stocks and bonds)
Estate gifts
Real estate
Selling of assets
Selling of collections
If you have questions about Giving to ZBC, please contact our office administrator, June Sanders.