Missions at ZBC
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
- I Peter 4:10 NIV
Missions play a key role in demonstrating who we are as a body of believers. We strive to demonstrate the love of God through our care of others. One important way in which we accomplish this is through our various programs, efforts and opportunities focused around Missions.

Hurricane & Disaster Relief

Upcoming Missions Opportunities
Local Missions
Involvement in our local community is of utmost importance to our church. Zebulon Baptist strives to be a church of the community, not just in the community. Working closely with our area schools we are able to identify families for Christmas Benevolence, provide building space for testing, show appreciation to the school faculty in different ways, and provide funds to schools to assist students with essential needs.
Zebulon Baptist has a food pantry that is open Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM providing the local community with assistance. Events such as Local Missions Days, assisting with Habitat for Humanity builds, Sleep in Heavenly Peace bed builds, and other projects are just a sample of ways Zebulon Baptist Church is in the community.
US & International Missions
Jesus calls us to go into all the world, that may be in the United States or somewhere international. These missions may look like spending time in areas devastated by national disasters or going to Sunflower Mississippi and working with Delta Grace to repair homes in the Delta for safe living, Touching Miami with Love, Fuller, Center for Housing, CBFNC, CBF Global have become wonderful mission partners of ZBC in mission work. Internationally, trips to Belize and Romania have provided lasting memories of spreading God’s love with others to come.