Welcome to Zebulon Baptist Church

It doesn’t matter who you are, where you come from, or what you bring with you. You are welcome to join our community of imperfect people, and to celebrate that we are redeemed by the grace of God.

Our worship may be traditional, but it isn’t stuffy, and it’s very authentic. We invite everyone to come as they are. We sing hymns new and old. We observe the seasons of the Church, such as Advent and Christmas, Lent and Easter. We teach and we wrestle with the scriptures.

As Baptists, we embrace the freedom of every individual to seek after God by their own path. Even so, we are united in our praise of Jesus Christ, and in our love for one another.

We are a family church. Some families have been worshiping at ZBC for several generations. Others are brand new to our congregation. We provide opportunities for people in every stage of life to worship, serve and fellowship.

We hope you will join us, and when you do, we hope you will make yourself known to us. Our ministry team would be delighted to get to know you, and to grow in faith together with you!

Sundays at ZBC

On a Sunday morning at ZBC you will discover a church with a traditional worship style that celebrates God’s love for us and expresses our love for God. The worship is Christ-centered, reverent, engaging and meaningful. You will find every generation represented. Some will be dressed in their “Sunday best” with others dressed more casually. Don’t worry about the right clothes to wear. Through beautiful music, prayer, Scripture reading and preaching you can expect to be both strengthened and challenged as you worship with us at ZBC.

9:00 AM • Sunday School
10:15 AM • Worship Service

Wednesdays at ZBC

Wednesdays, during the traditional school year, you can participate in a variety of programs. To see the full schedule, click on the link below.

What to Expect at ZBC

When you visit Zebulon Baptist on a Sunday morning you will discover a church with a traditional worship style that celebrates God’s love for us and expresses our love for God.  The worship is Christ-centered, reverent, engaging and meaningful. You will find every generation represented. Some will be dressed in their “Sunday best” with others dressed more casually.  Don’t worry about the right clothes to wear. Through beautiful music, prayer, Scripture reading and preaching you can expect to be both strengthened and challenged as you worship with us at ZBC.

Children begin to worship in the Sanctuary when they enter Kindergarten.  There is a special Children’s time in each service for them. Younger children are welcomed to a caring and safe nursery environment in Building B

Sunday School provides Bible study for all ages beginning at 9 AM. Come to the Office in Building D if you would like help finding a classroom for you and your family and friends.  Worship begins in the Sanctuary at 10:15 each Sunday. We hope to see you there soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I take my children for the nursery?

Take your children to Building B, the building adjacent to the Sanctuary. The Nursery is located at the end of the Courtyard between the buildings on the driveway side. As you enter that door you will find the Nursery right there. There will be persons ready to greet you and assist you in getting your child settled in.

Why do we worship as we do?

We believe that there is a place in our community for a church that offers traditional and Christ-centered worship. We follow the Christian calendar which keeps the focus of worship on Jesus. The Advent/Christmas and Lenten/Easter seasons are highlights of our church year. Every week we want to celebrate God’s love for us and express our love for God in worship. The preaching in worship is creative and focused on challenging every listener to better understand Scripture and its implications for living as a follower of Jesus.

We have a wonderful Music Ministry which includes an excellent choir accompanied by talented musicians who give their time and service as true ministers – you will be blessed by the part they play in our worship and would be welcome in the Sanctuary Choir or Handbell Choir.

Persons of all ages experience our worship as welcoming, inspirational and challenging. All that we do, we do to honor God and to express our thankfulness and devotion.

How can we support you?

The best support we receive is through your presence and participation. Part of that participation may include providing financial support for our ministries. We welcome gifts to our Ministry Budget and to our New Day Campaign. The Ministry Budget funds the basic ministries of our church. The New Day Campaign helps to pay for our facilities that we have built and renovated as well as providing funds for our church to do more in the area of missions, both locally and beyond.

We receive offerings as an act of worship each week. You may also give online, mail contributions to our office, or talk about setting up your own plan of electronic giving with our Financial Administrator, June Sanders.