College & Early Career Ministry at ZBC

We at Zebulon Baptist Church understand that the pressures of college life and early career can sometimes be overwhelming.

We want to provide a nurturing environment in which college students can use this time in their lives to find answers and grow in their relationships with God. You will find a home here, as well as a wonderful community. You are invited to join College and Career Sunday School class and see what our ministry has to offer you during this season of your life. 

Weekly Activities

We know that our young adults have many commitments, and many are enrolled in colleges and universities in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia. We strive to have a place for these students and young adults to meet each week to catch up and have Bible Study. Each week the College and Career Sunday School class is held in the Conference Room just off the Fellowship Hall. Come to find a familiar face and discuss God’s holy word.

Special Events

Our college and young adults have various ways to stay connected throughout the year. Some of the ways include lunch after worship, care packages distributed around the Thanksgiving holiday, holiday socials, summer Bible study, and more.

Upcoming Events