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ZBCY 2025 Mission Trip

The youth in 10th-12th grade will have a chance to participate in the youth mission trip next summer. We will be going to Cultivate Abundance in Immokalee, Florida, July 20-28, 2025, and partnering with CBF Field Personnel, Ellen and Rick Burnette.

Cultivate Abundance is an organization addressing food insecurity and other livelihood challenges of low-income farmers in the communities of Southwest Florida.

Their mission is to mobilize appropriate resources to eliminate hunger and enable small-scale food production in vulnerable households and communities. Our youth will be preparing for this mission trip throughout the year with team meetings and then plugging into Cultivate Abundances’ mission projects once we arrive next summer.

Sign-up has concluded, but please be on the lookout for more information coming about our first team meeting.

June 30

Vacation Bible School