Lent at Zebulon Baptist Church
God on the Move
Lent is often reduced to a period of weeks during which people might give something up as a gesture of self-discipline. But Lent is much more than that. The forty days of Lent parallel the forty days Jesus spent in the wilderness, fasting and persevering through temptation. Additionally, we follow and remember the story of Jesus as he nears his crucifixion and, ultimately, his resurrection. During this season we encounter our mistakes, while acknowledging our need for grace. Finally, we celebrate and we give thanks that God is merciful and compassionate toward us.
Our Lenten worship theme is God on the Move. We do not believe that God created the universe and simply left it to its own devices. We worship an active God who is involved in our lives.
Join us as we remember and celebrate the unfolding of our redemption through Jesus Christ! Take a look below at our schedule of services during Lent. Unless otherwise posted, all services will take place in our sanctuary.