Seniors Ministry at ZBC

Zebulon Baptist is blessed to be an intergenerational church with members of all ages. Our oldest members are an integral and beloved part of our church family. In addition to their participation in Sunday School, worship, Wednesday suppers, Bible studies, and other churchwide ministries and missions opportunities, we want to provide Senior Adults with opportunities for fellowship and inspiration.

There is at least one activity planned for our Senior Adults each month. Our activities are enjoyed by persons from their mid-fifties to those in their nineties. When the time comes that an older adult is not able to get out and attend church or our Senior Adult activities, our ministry makes sure that our homebound adults or adults in assisted living or nursing and rehab facilities will receive cards and visits that complement the pastoral care of our ministerial staff during the year.

"The senior adult ministry at ZBC provides me an opportunity to fellowship with others of my age, to be encouraged and to be an encourager, to meet new members and to have fun and grow in my faith."

-Anne White

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