Wednesdays at ZBC
Wednesday programs at ZBC take place during the traditional school year, from August to May. Come and feed your appetite and your spirit, as we share a meal and participate in discipleship opportunities for all ages.
The menu for Feb. 12 is…
BBQ Chicken Thighs
Steamed Rice
Seasoned Green Beans
Please submit your reservation no later than Mondays 1:00pm by filling out the form below. If you need assistance making your reservation, feel free to contact our church office at (919) 269-7329.
Wednesday Schedule
Wednesdays, during the traditional school year, you can participate in a variety of programs.
5:50 PM
• Supper Service Opens
6:30 PM
• Nursery Opens - Room B-10
• Children’s Mission Groups - Room B-15
• Connections Bible Study (Juniors, grades 4-7) - Room B-3
• Adult Handbell Rehearsal - Room D-3
• Adult Prayer and Bible Study - Fellowship Hall
7:00 PM
• Music Mates Choir (ages 3 and 4) - Room B-7
• Cherub Choir (grades K-3) - Room B-9
• Junior Choir (grades 4-7) - Choir Room
7:30 PM
• Youth Journeys (grades 8-12) - Room B-9 (Blue Room)
7:45 PM
• Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (nursery available for choir members) - Choir Room