Wednesdays at ZBC

Wednesday programs at ZBC take place during the traditional school year, from August to May. Come and feed your appetite and your spirit, as we share a meal and participate in discipleship opportunities for all ages.

Our supper menu for Wednesday, March 12 is:

Swiss Chicken
Seasoned Rice
Steamed Cabbage

Please submit your reservation no later than Mondays 1:00pm by filling out the form below. If you need assistance making your reservation, feel free to contact our church office at (919) 269-7329.

Wednesday Schedule

Wednesdays, during the traditional school year, you can participate in a variety of programs.

5:50 PM
• Supper Service Opens

6:30 PM
• Nursery Opens - Room B-10
• Children’s Mission Groups - Room B-15
• Connections Bible Study (Juniors, grades 4-7) - Room B-3
• Adult Handbell Rehearsal - Room D-3
• Adult Prayer and Bible Study - Fellowship Hall

7:00 PM
• Music Mates Choir (ages 3 and 4) - Room B-7
• Cherub Choir (grades K-3) - Room B-9
• Junior Choir (grades 4-7) - Choir Room

7:30 PM
• Youth Journeys (grades 8-12) - Room B-9 (Blue Room)

7:45 PM
• Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal (nursery available for choir members) - Choir Room