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“Praise God from whom all blessings flow!”

These words from the Doxology are often sung in response to God’s blessings and with the hope that God will bless others through our gifts and offerings. May God bless you as you prayerfully support Zebulon Baptist Church through your generous giving.

There are two offerings to consider at Zebulon Baptist.

  • The Unified Ministry Budget is the day-to-day budget, also known as the Unified Budget or Operating Budget. Offerings to the Unified Ministry Budget allow Zebulon Baptist Church to: do missions within our community, state and world; support our ministers and staff; provide curriculum for Sunday School, children’s mission groups and Bible studies; and, maintain all the support services needed in the operation of the church.
  • The Capital Campaign (“The New Day Campaign”) is an offering to pay the obligations we owe for the campus and facilities we enjoy as well as to provide resources that enable us to venture out in mission partnerships and mission action.

There are a variety of ways you can give to Zebulon Baptist Church:

  • In Person – You can put your offering in the offering plate during Sunday morning or other special worship times when offerings are taken. An envelope is not required unless you want us to have a record of your giving. If you need envelopes, please contact the church office. You can also drop off your offering in the church office anytime during church business hours.
  • Online via credit card – Enter your information in the form on this page, designating how you would like your offering to be applied. You can make a one-time donation or select a recurring interval. The donation is charged to your credit card at the time it is submitted. To give to both the Unified Ministry Budget and the Capital Campaign, you would need to complete two transactions.
  • Electronic Funds Transfer – This method withdraws your designated donation from your bank account at the interval you select. Click to download the Electronic Funds Transfer form here. Complete it and bring it to the church office during church business hours. DO NOT put the form in the Offering Plate. It must be submitted directly to the church office. 
  • Other Methods – Below are a few of the other, “less conventional” ways that you could choose to support Zebulon Baptist Church.
    • Cash gifts
    • Securities (stocks and bonds)
    • Estate gifts
    • Real estate
    • Selling of assets
    • Selling of collections (Coin collections, Baseball cards collections, etc.)

If you have questions about Giving to ZBC, please contact June Sanders

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Donation Total: $10.00 One Time

Zebulon Baptist Church

400 N. Arendell Ave.
PO BOX 366
Zebulon, NC 27597
