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Advent is meant to be an interruption, one that displaces us from our expected routine and drops us into a new world God is redeeming.

Meanwhile . . .

December 3, 2023
We live and wait between two Advents, the first when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and the second when Jesus will come again. Even though we are waiting, we don't…

The Harvest of Righteousness

November 26, 2023
Paul writes how the generosity of the Church continues its important ministry. How does generosity lead to an abundance of righteousness?

Are Your Days Numbered?

November 19, 2023
The psalmist urges his audience to count their days to gain wisdom. What can we learn in our fleeting time on earth? What do we need to pass on?

We Are Witnesses

November 12, 2023
Joshua leads the Israelites into a renewed covenant with God. What commitments do we need to make to draw closer to God?

The Change

November 5, 2023
Jesus teaches authenticity and integrity as marks of true disciples. The Kingdom of God exists where people turn their attention away from themselves in service of others.

Heart Treasures

October 29, 2023
Jesus teaches the eternal rewards of heaven should be our priority. What are the treasures of heaven and how can we obtain and share them?

Restored Through Faith

October 22, 2023
A hated tax official is restored to the Kingdom of God when he repents after an encounter with Jesus. How does effective stewardship restore us to right relationship with God?

Grounded in Gratitude

October 15, 2023
Jesus heals ten lepers but only one returns to express gratitude. Why is it so difficult to turn to God when our lives overflow with blessings?

Born to be Generous

October 8, 2023
Our attachment to our wealth and possessions hinders our authentic discipleship. Jesus shows us that wealth is incapable of saving anyone, only God.
Zebulon Baptist Church

400 N. Arendell Ave.
PO BOX 366
Zebulon, NC 27597
