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I Am Making a Difference

January 21, 2024
When we are following the leadership of God, then we can begin to see the often subtle new opportunities that God presents each day to lead us to people, places,…

Under the Fig Tree

January 14, 2024
Location, location, location! What does our location have to do with how we respond to the Good News?

The Gift of Good News

January 7, 2024
Good news is welcome, whether you are the one delivering it, or the one receiving it. The magi traveled far to share the good news they discerned from the heavens,…
New Year’s Eve is an opportunity to set a course for the journey that continues. But this course setting is less about a route or even a destination and more…
The part of "Good News" that makes it good is about to arrive: Emmanuel. Even in the midst of a broken and suffering world, we set aside our worries to…
John the Baptist was a witness who testified to the light of Jesus Christ. We, as disciples of Christ, are called to continue serving as his witnesses, so that others…
Advent is meant to be an interruption, one that displaces us from our expected routine and drops us into a new world God is redeeming.

Meanwhile . . .

December 3, 2023
We live and wait between two Advents, the first when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, and the second when Jesus will come again. Even though we are waiting, we don't…

The Harvest of Righteousness

November 26, 2023
Paul writes how the generosity of the Church continues its important ministry. How does generosity lead to an abundance of righteousness?

Are Your Days Numbered?

November 19, 2023
The psalmist urges his audience to count their days to gain wisdom. What can we learn in our fleeting time on earth? What do we need to pass on?
Zebulon Baptist Church

400 N. Arendell Ave.
PO BOX 366
Zebulon, NC 27597
