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Complete Joy

October 1, 2023
In one of most beautiful texts in our scriptures, Paul illustrates how joy is a choice we make no matter the challenges we face.

Abide in My Love

September 24, 2023
Christ loves believers unconditionally. But as believers obey Christ's Word and abide in His love, they will experience fruits of their labor, and experience God.

Settling Accounts

September 17, 2023
What should be our limits when it comes to forgiving others who treat us unfairly or abusively?

What Time Is It?

September 10, 2023
Paul urges the Roman believers to act with righteousness and love for one another. How do we still act with urgency never knowing when to expect judgment?

Stumbling Blocks and Losers

September 3, 2023
Jesus reprimands Peter for interfering with his destiny, and teaches his disciples to be prepared to sacrifice everything for his sake. What causes us to stumble in our calling, and…

The Power and the Irony

August 27, 2023
Despite pharaoh's best efforts at culling the Hebrews, he is thwarted by lowly women, allowing for the birth of Israel's greatest prophet.

Clean Hands, Filthy Hearts

August 20, 2023
Jesus teaches the gathered crowd that the heart - one’s innermost motivations - determines their purity, not outward displays of piety.

The Roman Avenue

August 13, 2023
This passage includes a part of the popular "Roman Road to Salvation." But Paul leads us down a sidestreet to invite his readers to wonder how to shepherd new believers…

Redefining Miracles

August 6, 2023
Oftentimes we are put in a position to lead or to serve and we feel unworthy. Solomon humbly asked God for wisdom to lead, and God rewarded Solomon's humility. How…
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Zebulon Baptist Church

400 N. Arendell Ave.
PO BOX 366
Zebulon, NC 27597
